To continue to carry out its actions, the CIMM absolutely needs you in the year 2024. We are launching an online prize pool to complete the financing of the festival. Thank you for your support, however modest. You will find all the details on this link:
We need your help to get the festival going this year. Become a part of this adventure which makes medieval music accessible for everyone!
Presentation / Detailed description
The festival “Les Marteaux de Gellone” brings together musicians, instrument makers and researchers who set out to discover the medieval world through music and craftsmanship in the breath-taking Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, classed as a UNESCO World Heritage village.
Since 2017, this yearly festival puts up five to eight concerts in the abbey of Gellone with great acoustics, one student production, street music, an exposition by historical instrument makers, an instrument making workshop, and this year, we want to organise a ball with trad music to close this event of with dancing and joy.
With its friendly atmosphere, this festival allows the audience to meet the professionals.
A friendly group of students guides and helps the artists, instrument makers, researchers and the audience.
This seventh edition of the festival takes place the 18-26 May 2024 at Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, with one creation being at the new venue in Saint-Gély du Fesc the 22 May.
To get an idea of what the festival entails, here is a video from 2023.
This year’s program:
- 5 concert proposing new viewpoints on medieval music
- 1 student production, because the support of young musicians is at the heart of our actions.
- 1 instrument making workshop, led by two instrument makers and open for everyone.
- 1 instrument exhibition with around twenty exhibitors, to see, try out and buy instruments
- 1 trad ball to finish the event in celebration
Why we are asking for your help
Because the festival suffers from the decreases in subventions and aids from local and regional authorities, putting its viability at risk.
Because we support a renewed approach to medieval music which is at the center of the artistic issues of today – performance and performativity, performing arts and interdisciplinarity, dialogue between traditional music and early music, an anthropological approach to music making.
Because the issue of cultural and artistic value of a heritage which doesn’t produce material value. We are convinced that this non-material heritage can create a place for the citizens of the 21 century which we are.
What the money will be used for:
- The concerts as well as the colloquium are already financetransportation of the instrument makers d. This crowdfunding is linked to the instrument making related activities
- practical installations for the workshop (purchase of tools and materials): 10 000 €
- historical instrument making exhibition (transport, accommodation and meals for the instrument makers during 6 days): 15 000€
- Trad ball (lease of equipment, food, drinks): 3 000€
- Communication: 2 000€
Goal: to reach the first xxx of 20 000€
It will serve to organise the workshop, as well as feed and accommodate all the instrument makers.
The second goal of 25 000€, would help to organise the ball as well.
The third goal, of 30 000€, would help to finance the transportation of the instrument makers.
Who will benefit?
- The workshop leaders and participants
- The instrument makers at the exposition
- The hosts
- The caterer
The beneficiaries are both local, national and international.
The leaders of the project
The International Centre for Medieval Music (CIMM) is the leader of the project. It is an association which is dedicated towards to the creation, performance and research of medieval music and instrument making.
The team preparing the festival are
- Gisèle Clément – The founder of CIMM and the festival, as well as a lecturer and researcher at the Paul Valéry 3 University.
- Marielle Dumont Régeard – in charge of production and administration
- Barbara Schröder – in charge of communication
- Clara-Marie Hollard – Instrument maker and volunteer through Service Civique
- Garance Gandanger – Intern in charge of finance researching
- Nadia Piotrowska – Musicology student and volunteer through Service Civique
A team of volunteers, most of which are students, join them for the festival.
Yves Massaratto, contemporary dance pedagogue, is the president of the association.
The festival is held in and supported by Saint-Guilhem-le- Désert (34150)
To get to know the CIMM, go to:
The counterparties
- 10 € – we thank you very much for your contribution!
- 25 € – 2 concert tickets
- 40 € – 3 concert tickets
- 60 € – 5 concert tickets
- 80 € – 5 concert tickets +1 CD
- 100 € – 5 concerts tickets + 1 CD + 5 % discount on a course of your choice
- 250 € – 5 concerts tickets + 1 CD + 15 % discount on a course of your choice
- 500 € – 5 concerts tickets + 1 CD + 1 place at the instrument making workshop
- 800 € – 5 concerts tickets + 1 CD + 1 online mini-concert + Your name on the festival program
- 1000 € – 5 concerts tickets + 1 CD + 1 online mini-concert + Your name on the festival program + 1 solo concert with a performer live in Montpellier
- From 2000 € – Compensation of your choice
Tax information
The donation to the International Center for Medieval Music – From the sky to the margins entitles you to a tax reduction because it meets the general conditions provided for in articles 200 and 238 bis of the general tax code.
To participate, click here. Thank you !